Our methods and sectors of intervention

EVAL-DEV is a consulting firm specialized in the conduct of field surveys, data analysis and the evaluation of development projects. Our expertise includes:

  • The design and implementation of impact evaluations;
  • The conduct of mid-term and final evaluations;
  • The design of development projects;
  • The development of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems;
  • The conduct of quantitative and qualitative surveys.

Our sectors of expertise

Drawing on the experience of our team in several developing countries, we operate in the following sectors:

  • Agriculture, fisheries and natural resource management
  • Urban development and land use planning
  • Support to the private sector
  • Tourism
  • Transport
  • Water and sanitation
  • Health, education and social protection
  • Public and local governance.

Our approach

Our approach is characterized by:

  • Our technical capacity: the founding members of EVAL-DEV have worked in the field in different countries, and have an extensive and complementary set of analytical and organizational skills;
  • Our presence in the field: Through its partnerships, EVAL-DEV is able to quickly mobilize experienced enumerators in many developing countries (in Haiti, Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular);
  • Our focus on quality controls: EVAL-DEV has developed strict protocols and uses technologies such as tablets and satellite imagery to ensure that the data collected is accurate and of the highest possible quality.