Our services
Impact evaluations
- We design and implement impact evaluations of development projects;
- Our quantitative methods (experimental and quasi-experimental) and mixed methods (which combine quantitative and qualitative tools) are designed to obtain rigorous results, in often challenging environments;
- We put the emphasis on quality controls during data collection, rigor during the analysis, and on interpreting results through participatory and transparent processes;
- We also provide training on impact evaluation methods for the staff of public and private organizations and NGOs.

Mid-term and final evaluations
- We conduct mid-term and final evaluations of development projects using the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation’s six (6) evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability.
Design of development projects and M&E systems
- We support our clients in the design of projects and with the development of logical frameworks, and M&E tools;
- We also conduct ex ante cost-benefit analyses, which help assess a project’s viability at its design stage.

Household surveys
- Our knowledge of the field allows us to mobilize quickly teams of qualified surveyors (enumerators) and supervisors, and our tools enable us to conduct sampling in contexts where data is scarce;
- We support our clients in the design of survey instruments (or questionnaires), the programming of electronic survey instruments on tablets, the piloting of these instruments in real conditions, and the training of field teams, and we do all this as part of an integrated approach aiming at ensuring the quality and precision of the data that we collect;
- Our work methodology is sensitive to the context of intervention and ensures that the populations and stakeholders are integrated into the entire survey process.